Thursday, September 24, 2009

Greece is the word!

Tomorrow Florence and I will drive to Atlanta to begin our trip to Greece. We will be traveling with Precept ministries to many of the places Paul visited on his second missionary journey. This has been a dream of Florences for many years and I am always ready for a good trip so off we go. We hope to be able to update the blog on a regular basis but since we aren't carrying a computer, who knows when we'll be able to post during the trip. There will certainly be pictures when we get back.
We will be studying the books of 1 & 2 Thessolonians, 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Phillippians, Colossians and Revelations (Patmos) as well as visiting all of those places. Reading Paul's travels will never be the same for us. We are ready to learn!
Our means of transportation will be car, plane, train, bus and ship. Please pray for our safety.
I have been so blessed to have this opportunity. I'll share as much with you as possible.

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