Friday, October 5, 2012

Who did I bring back? # 7

As the day progressed the crowd grew for the clinic.  Everyone who came in was trying to find a shade.  The formula club moms and babies gathered under the carport.

The men formed an orderly line.

G's daughter, U, was one of the ones who listened to the Good News tapes that I was able to share after the medical supplies were passed out but the eye doctor still had patients waiting.

 M, in the red shorts, was the first orphan in the formula club.  L took him in at birth and fed him until he was big enough to go live with G who is a relative of his.  He is now three and very healthy and happy.  He is always ready to eat when the food is served.

Once the ladies joined the men by the clinic, chaos began.  L had to use her loud teacher voice to get the ladies to calm down.
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